I can speak at your event

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Why ?

Explain why a residence should be evaluated by a knowledgeable health professional for S&PC contamination.

Nuts & Bolts

The presentation will cover the “nuts and bolts” of conducting an evaluation of impacted properties. We allow the participants to ask questions during the presentation.

Information to Collect

List what offsite & onsite information to collect, who to interview, what pictures or video to obtain and the need for a residence layout.

Important Observations

The course will help the evaluator / investigator collect appropriate observations to form a hypothesis to select from five different impact categories.

Describe the Impact and Communicate the Findings

Once an impact category has been selected we will describe the appropriate sampling methodology to follow and what the final report should include. 

Best Practices

The presentation will be targeted to provide the knowledge and tool to conduct a “best practice” evaluation to create a consistent, reproducible and logically defensible investigation and report. 

Presentations & Experience in numbers

Here are crunched numbers


Satisfatory rating or better


Clients consulted in total


events spoken at


Years of in-the-field experience

My keynote speeches are fully interactive

As the past educational chair of the Rocky Mountain Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association I have created and present talks on a variety of technical subjects.  My current interest is to inform co-professional, governmental official and other interested parties about the need for instituting best practices and regulations concerning the evaluation of residences impacted by smoke & products of combustion. Additionally, I would like to provide educational presentations and courses to my fellow professionals on the evaluation process.

  • Why a residence should be evaluated by a professional when impacted by smoke and products of combustion  before calculating damages.
  • Who is qualified to conduct an evaluation?
  • How the evaluation should be conducted and how the resulting report should be used

I would be happy to speak at your meeting or conference on the subject Pro-Bono, but don't wait since my calendar fills up. Contact EIS to make arrangements today. See the video section of the website for examples of my presentation style.

Team Img
James Lieberman
Principle Speaker